Free Marketing Resources

How to build your email list using a strong call to action (CTA)!
CTAs are simple and easy to use...also simple and easy to forget.......
Grab my free video and guide to help you list your CTAs and get consistent using them in your content so you'll aways have email list growth!

How to use your lead magnets to keep prospects connected!
You have awesome lead magnets...but where are they leading your prospects?
Grab my free video and worksheet so you'll always be directing your prospects to the right next step with you and stay with you for nurturing!

How to rewire your brain for success in less than 1 minute!
What do you do when your mind keeps cycling through negativity...doubt...imposter syndrome?
You grab my free video and worksheet to rewire your thinking in less than 1 minute so that you can kick negativity to the curb!

How other people's Facebook groups can gain you visibility & grow your email list!
Being present and active in Facebook groups is a great way to get your name known by your ideal audience.
Grab my free video & guide to walk you through this strategy so you'll be able to network & connect your ideal clients and grow your list!

How your own free Facebook group can grow your email list and your income!
Creating your own group gives you an excellent way to connect deeply with your clients, listen to them and support them.
Grab my free video and guide to design your group. Showcase your expertise and create your own community of loyal followers that leads to list growth and income!

How to have authentic and fun conversations in the DMs that lead to list growth!
Networking is key to business growth...but how do we do this online? Connecting authentically in the DMs!
Grab my free video & guide so you can overcome your fear of reaching out to prospects and others in your space. Let's make genuine connections!

How to put your personal profile on social media to work for your email list growth!
Your personal profile is the BEST place to showcase who you are, who you serve, how you serve them.
Grab my free video and checklist to make sure your profile is working to grow your visibility and your email list!

Why you need a Facebook business page and how it can grow your visibility and your list!
A Facebook business page is important for a number of reasons AND it's a great tool to use for your list growth.
Grab my free video and checklist so I can show you how your Facebook Business Page can help you grow your list!

How to go live without getting hives! Attract fresh followers by using live video.
Live video is one of the ONLY ways to attract prospects that don't follow us and so we can build a larger audience.
Grab my free video and guide so I can share with you my 7 simple tips to ROCK your live videos and grow your email list!

How to break through the noise of the online space and build your dream business!
The online space is crowded and loud. How do you get seen and heard by your ideal clients & attract them to your list?
Grab my free video & guide where I show you how you can break through the noise so your ideal clients can see, hear and hire you!

How do you consistently create loads of social media content so you stay visible?
Staring at a blank computer screen wondering what to post, what to after day after day feels enormous.
Let's make this easy! Grab my free training that walks you through creating 90 days of social media content in only 30 mins!

How do you overcome your roadblocks to sales so you can make more income?
When I say "sales", do you shudder? You love working with your clients but you don't want to have to sell them anything.
Grab my free video & guide to learn my "selling without selling" technique so your sales process feels easy and authentic!

How to have a new clients from referrals!
Your easiest and best source of new clients comes from referrals from your existing clients.
Grab by free guide to learn my tips for gaining new clients every month!

Why your email list is the #1 thing you need!
Your email list is your biggest asset and the BEST way to nurture your subscribers into buyers.
Grab my free video & guide that will help you plan your weekly email content!

Join our free, supportive group of entrepreneurs!
You can promote your business, network for new connections, and get help directly from me.
Grab your spot and enjoy weekly live trainings with tips to grow your business!