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Your Goals are SET, Your Vision is ON's Q3....NOW WHAT?!

Jul 01, 2021

We’ve been talking a lot about setting authentic business goals over the past few weeks.  Are your business goals truly in alignment with your bigger, long-term picture for your company or are they based solely upon what you think you should be doing as you’ve listened to and watched the people and businesses around you?  If it’s the latter, we’ve talked extensively about why this won’t work.  You started your business because you had a passion and also, quite likely, because you wanted to create something that could sustain you and offer you a lifestyle that you were excited about every day.  Your business goals are based upon that truth. 

So, what happens when you get so deep into the daily grind that time passes and one day you realize that you’ve strayed completely away from that aligned vision of what your business could be?  Quarter 3 is a great time to take a pause and reflect on how to get back on track.  Let’s take a look.


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In order to recenter, you might first have to take a little jump backwards to roughly six months ago to gauge the overall temperature of your business currently.  What was going on in December 2020 and what has changed now that we are here in July of 2021?  Has your business grown?  Has your income increased?  Have you expanded your visibility and reached new clients?  If the answer to the majority of these questions is no, it’s still not too late.  You still have six months in the year to turn this around, but you have to take action because it won’t just happen for you.   

If you want to take action, you’ll need to make sure that you have time to do so.  If you’re spending all of your time working in your business instead of on your business, time is going to continue to pass and before you know it the year will be over.  Rather than sinking in the currents of your business, you’re going to have to start swimming and you may have to reassess your goals, yet again.  After all, if they were really yours to begin with, you probably wouldn’t have wasted any time crushing them, right? 


After you’ve reassessed, create those action steps and put them in your calendar.  This is the most imperative step!  It’s great if you have it all written down somewhere but you’re not going to follow through unless you schedule it.  The key here is finding balance, too.  If you overcram your schedule you’re basically just ensuring that you’ll also overwhelm yourself, and that’s a perfect recipe for stagnancy.  Make it realistic, take it day by day and that is the key to actually gaining some traction. 

The truth of the matter is, 4th quarter and the end of the year are going to sneak up on you fast, so now is the time to get yourself back and track and motivated.  If you need a little help finding that motivation, head over to our Facebook group, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income” where you will find a whole bunch of tips and tricks for staying on track, as well as access to an entire network of like-minded individuals who are also doing their best to create thriving businesses that they are passionate about.  If you’re a bit more private, that’s okay, too.  You’ll find a “work with me” button on my website where you can schedule a 25-minute information call for only $17 and we can determine together whether or not one-on-one coaching might be a good fit for you. 

Check out the Referral Machine and learn free and low-cost ways to gain new clients with ease.



Video Transcript

Yes, so if you're on stream yard and you are coming through stream yard, be sure and give stream yard permission to publish your name. Otherwise it just says Facebook user and that's not any fun because then I don't know who you are. So, guys, it is third quarter. It is already the third quarter of the year. Can you even believe it? What the heck happened to the year? It's halfway over. We've talked the last two weeks about your goals, your vision for your business, making sure they're authentic to you. And now what? This is what we're going to cover today.

But first, if I'm new to you and you're new to me, I'm Tracy Beavers. I'm a business and sales coach. I am your business and sales coach. My passion is helping you. The small business owner, solopreneur and salesperson untangle all the parts of your business that are no longer working so you can gain confidence knowing that everything you're doing every single day is going to move the needle on your income, because that's why we're in business, right? To make money and to make a lot of people happy. But I mean, otherwise, why are we in business?

If you're here live, please drop on one of the chat. So excited to have you join me live. And if you're catching the reply, I love that to type replay in the chat. I love my people on team replay. Save the video. Rewatch it on the go any time you want to. And as always, if there's something on your mind from this week, last week, a question you had a struggle, something in your business that's not going right. Throw it in the chat and let's work on it together because this group is supportive and collaborative.

All right, guys. So the week before last, I asked you if your business goals are authentically yours. Are they based on how. Make sure we're still. Yeah, OK, good. Sorry. I'm having wifi issues today. You got to love the tech, got to love the technology.

OK, so the week before for the last we were talking about your business goals. If they are authentically yours, are they based on what you want for yourself, your family, your life? Are they based on what you think you need to be achieving, doing, having or what other people think you need to be achieving, doing, having? And then last week I asked you the same question. But with regard to the vision of your business, is it your vision? Much like your goals, your vision is where you're working to get your goals are what's going to get you there.

It's what you're striving for. You want to be sure it's based on what you want for yourself, your family and your life. And if you missed the last two weeks, you can you can catch them in the Facebook group or go to my new YouTube channel and you can grab them there. It is so important to have goals and a business vision that are based on what you want. So important, in fact, that I devoted an entire week just to this one topic in my six week online course, because it's something that I see my clients do all the time. It's something that we ignore. We get so excited about our business, we run head long with excitement into our business, kind of like when we run headlong with glee into the ocean. I think I have the beach on the mind this week because we're supposed to go to the beach later this summer. I'm super excited about it. And if we're not careful, you run headlong into that ocean, you get out there too far, you get tossed around your goals and your business vision, get swept out to sea and you are lost.

You get into your business working the hours, hustling, grinding, which I'm not a proponent of. By the way, there's a better way to do it. Time passes and you find yourself swimming around in an ocean that wasn't the one you wanted in the first place. And where the heck did your goals and your business vision go? So do you see why it's important to so important to stop right now, today, this week? Pause. It's the best time to do it we're starting a new quarter. I want you to reflect be sure you are in the right place before you head with excitement and glee into quarter three and quarter four, which is going to be right around the corner.

So let's review your business vision authentic to you and what you want. Not anybody else. And that's where you're headed. You don't know. Remember we talked about this, you don't know how or when you're going to get there. You just know you will. You can see it. You can smell it. You believe it. Your goals for your vision, both short term and longer term, define the activities that you're going to be doing to get to get to that vision. Right. And your goals are the what of your business? What do you need to be doing to move the needle every single day toward that vision? Did you hear me when I said that EVERY SINGLE DAY, and why am I emphasizing every single day with all caps and lots of drama in my voice?

Because today starts third quarter. It's the third quarter of the year. I swear, I think somebody turned up the dial on our lives, it seems to me that time is just passing by so much faster than it was, or maybe this is what it was like, pre pandemic. And I just forgot. Either way, now's the time. So while you're doing your pausing and your reflecting to make sure your goals and your vision are authentic to you, thinking through where you are right now in your business and where you want to go, I want you to also think back to where you were at the end of 2020, just six months ago.

Six months is not a long time, even though it kind of feels like a long time. Think about it. Your business and your income. December 2020. Now think about your business and your income. Today, July 1st,2021 Has your business grown, has your income grown, has your visibility grown, has your client list grow. How are things going. Take the temperature and the vital signs of your business and do that before you run headlong with glee into this coming third quarter.

If your business and your income have not grown the way you wanted in the past six months, it is not too late to get that moving right now. But you have to take action and you have to stop sitting on the fence, stop thinking I'll work on my goals tomorrow or I'll think about that next week, or I love this one. You know, let me just get through the summer and then I'll reassess. Really, I mean, if that's what you've been doing, then I think we've solved the mystery of why your business and your income haven't grown since last year. Truth bomb. Did that hurt, I know, I feel like I hit directly in between the eyes of that one.

Let me ask you another question. Are you spending time working in your business instead of on your business? And I see my clients doing this a lot and you don't even realize you're doing it and time passes. So let me repeat that. There's a difference here between in and on. Are you standing at the cash register of your business, scanning all the customer purchases and bagging them up for people, or are you actively working on a marketing nurture sequence strategy plan to love on those customers, keep them coming back to you, turning them into raving fans and referral sources for you so that they want to introduce you to their network, their friends, their family.

Which one of those things is going to grow your business and your income over time? Truth. All right, throw in a match today right and left, because it is the start of a new quarter and we have got to get moving. So you want to be working on your business and not in your business. So ask yourself, are you standing at the cash register ringing up the purchases, which is an important job, but somebody's got to be looking at the overall plan and moving the ship in the right direction.

So you're probably thinking that you're super annoyed with me for what you sell in the first place. But as your business and sales coach, that's my job. I am your biggest supporter and I'm always cheering you on. But I do have to sprinkle in some tough love and remind you to get your head up out of the ocean of your business and look around to where you're headed. Are you headed toward your vision with the right action steps and the right roadmap you'll love if you coach with me, you know, I love action steps and a roadmap. So you're probably thinking, OK, Tracy, this is all great, but just tell me what to do already because it is third quarter and I feel like my hair is on fire. Totally understand. So let's strategize for a second. OK, rewind with me. Just a minute. Rewind. You have your roadmap, your strategy. I love a good roadmap with action steps, and you all know that you may have a love hate relationship if you coach with me with those action step emails that I send you, but they're for your own good.

So, number one, your goals. Ask yourself if you didn't do this two weeks ago when we talked about it, then are, are my goals mine? Are your goals, yours and authentic to you and what you want? Not everybody needs to have a goal of owning a big fancy yacht. If it's one of your goals, that's awesome. But I have to be true to myself and say that's not one of mine and I have to set my goals according to what my family and I want for us.

Your business vision, same question is your vision, vision yours and based on what you and your family want for the for your income future, not everybody has the goal of rolling around in huge piles of cash money. Some people want time time wealth. Some people want a mix of both short cash money and some extra time. Right. All right. So your goals and your vision, now that you have the authentic goals and authentic business vision, then you need to plan your action steps.

And this is where you've got to take time to look at the list of things you want to accomplish and put them on your schedule. If it's not on your schedule, it's not going to happen. And I am guilty of this, too. I had completely over scheduled myself the last two weeks because I got excited and ran headlong into the ocean of my business and I got tossed around out there and I couldn't figure out what I was doing. And I was like, Tracy Beavers, you are a coach. Why did you do this to yourself? But confession, it happens to me, too. So, you know, I love a good schedule and I am back to getting my mind out monthly and weekly, because if I don't, there is no way my business and income would be growing the way it has.

Am I exactly where I wanted to be this time of year by third quarter? For some things, yes. For some things. They're off the chain. For other things, not yet. But I'm way further along than I was December 2020. And that's what I have to remind myself. And I want that for you too. So I want you to pause today, please. Or if you can't do it today, at least sometime before Sunday night before a new week starts on and Monday is a holiday. So maybe you could do it on Monday morning. Can we make a deal that you're going to do that?

I think I need to see yes. I need to see some. Yes. In the comments that you're actually going to do this, reflect your goals, your vision, your action steps. Are you carving out time for them so you can grow your income this month, this quarter? Are they on your schedule and are they on your planner? And if you're on the struggle bus trying to figure this out, reach out to the members of this group. They are amazing people, super smart and super supportive. And if you're watching us on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube or my Facebook business page, hop in to the collaborative Facebook group that I'm talking about. It's called Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income. You're going to find like minded business owners and salespeople just like you that are perfectly imperfect, just doing the best they can every single day to chase their dreams and love on their people.

And the really fun part, some of the members are networking with each other and it's resulting in sales. It's resulting in income being exchanged and money changing hands. They're doing business together. How cool is that? That makes my heart so, so happy. You hear me say this to you every single week except for the people on my personal page. I'm just now coming out live on my personal page. So all I like I've never seen you do this before at all.

But you here you guys have been with me for a while. You hear me say this every week. Don't go it alone. Being an entrepreneur or being an entrepreneur. First of all, it's hard to say. Second of all, it's hard to spell. And third of all, it's hard to be one. Some days everybody wants to buy what you're selling and other days nobody wants to know your name. It's the truth if you think you're alone, you're not.

Every business owner, every entrepreneur, every salesperson feels that way. And here's the thing. If you're a little more private and want to chat about that roadmap and creating more action steps, that's where and you don't want to put it in the Facebook group. That's fine. That's where coaching with me will really be beneficial. You can schedule a 25 minute info call for only $17 through my website. We can talk about how coaching can help you, what you need and my plan for you.

I'm going to drop a link to that in the comments in the Facebook group. I'll also draw up a link to my signature six week online course. That's around $65 a week. You will gain confidence in six key areas of your business that will grow your income before the end of the year. I want you to have a great balance of the week and weekend. And remember, when one of us rises, we all rise. So we need to keep cheering each other on.

OK, guys, I am going to go over to stream yard really quick, Instagram I hope you're still with this. OK, cool. Hey, Jill. Hey, Valerie, thank you so much for joining. I know Anna I cannot believe it's already quarter three. I know it's just mind blowing. Yeah, but we got to get moving. We got to get moving. Including me. So I hope you guys have a great week if you're with us in the US, it's a long holiday weekend. I love it. All right. I will see you guys next week and let me know what you need to hear every week. I will be happy to to craft the content specifically for you guys. Talk to you soon.



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