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You and Your Mindset

Nov 04, 2021

What is going on in that head of yours and what are you saying to yourself?

Would we be shocked to know?

Would your friends be upset with you for talking to yourself like that?

Would you let me talk to myself the way you talk to yourself?

The strength of your internal environment will determine your success with anything you want to improve or change. It will determine whether or not you end up living your best life. Your internal environment is your mindset: your thoughts, your self-talk.

We spend more time planning our external environments (home, job, travel) than we do our internal environments. Both are important, but it’s your internal environment that is the key to living your best life. Your internal environment is your foundation. Like the foundation of your house, you want this to be strong and stable. If we avoid our internal environment, then we are literally building our house on sand. A house built on sand will crumble.

Before we charge ahead with our swords drawn toward our dreams, we have to rewind a little bit. We have to take an internal assessment. We have to eliminate the junk.

When you arrived on earth, you came in all wide-eyed and absolutely full of possibility. We look at children and say “They have so much potential!” Somewhere along the way, we stop thinking we have that same amount of potential. We get stuck in adulting. Time passes. We forget we can still change, grow, and expand. We wake up one day and realize we aren’t enjoying our best life.


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You were born perfect, and amazing. You were born with innate gifts, talents, dreams. When you watch little children playing, they aren’t thinking about the past, they aren’t worrying about the future, they are fully present. They are joyful, full of life and being who they are without fear. Man! Why can’t we all be like that? The answer is, somewhere along the road of growing up, life chipped away at you. You lost your wide-eyed wonder.

Paraphrasing a line from one of my favorite movies, “You know, when people put you down enough, you start to believe it...the bad stuff is easier to believe”. How true is that? It’s like the bad stuff is safe and the good stuff challenges us. The bad stuff requires zero effort to accept. The good stuff requires energy.

As you grew up, you began to solidify your beliefs about everything: money, jobs, success. These were based on the examples you were shown in your physical environment and the words that were spoken to you which then became your internal dialogue. Along the way, because we are so focused on fitting in, we end up pretending to be what we are not and conforming to our environment. We learn quickly that others' opinions are more important. We get lost listening to the opinions of others instead of being confident of our own. We seek approval because our brains are wired for survival. Our ancestors feared being excluded from the pack. Being vulnerable out in the open with no tribe of protection meant certain death. These beliefs became your normal and your foundation.

Our thoughts are things. They have energy, vibration and a life of their own. Our thoughts create our feelings, our beliefs, our actions. Thoughts are like a muscle. You work a muscle over and over, it gets stronger. You have the same thought (good or bad) over and over, it becomes stronger. Repeating the same thoughts, hard-wires your brain to believe them. Neuroscience has proven that your brain MUST believe your thoughts for it has no other choice. What you repeatedly tell your brain will be your reality, period.

So why is it so HARD to undo years of negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, self-doubt? Picture them like water flowing over rocks in a river. Over time, the rocks have deep grooves where the water is flowing. Each time you repeat ideas and thoughts, you are literally engraving them in your subconscious brain. Our thoughts create imprints (grooves) on our brain. These thoughts become our habits which then become comfortable and normal. Since your brain is designed to keep you safe, this is where you stay. So, after years of having these limiting thoughts, it’s no wonder that it can take time and lots of conscious repeated effort to undo what your brain considers safe and normal.

When I am working with my clients to retrain their thoughts and beliefs, we work through this exercise I created called “Recognize. Reframe. Repeat.” RECOGNIZE…REFRAME…REPEAT.

● Recognize the thoughts that are negative and doubting. They are nothing more than your brain trying to keep you safe. They are NOT the truth.

● Reframe the old thought into the new thought you want to have.

● Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Much like water flowing over a rock, the only way to get the old thought to flow in a new direction is to block off the old path. Over time, you will literally carve new pathways in the brain. The more you do this exercise, the easier it will become.

When we know better, we can do better. When we recognize the thoughts that are no longer serving us, we can reframe them. This is how we build a strong internal environment. This is how we live our best lives.


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