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Putting out fires ALL DAY LONG is exhausting! Put DOWN the fire extinguisher!

May 27, 2021

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed with your business?  Is running your small business draining your energy rather than filling your cup and feeding your passion?  Having fun with your business is imperative if you really want to thrive, so let me share a little tip on how to take back control of your schedule, get out of reaction mode and infuse your small business with life again! 


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Let’s talk about your schedule! 

Your schedule should be working for you, not the other way around.  Naturally, there will be days where you have to pull out your hustle and do what needs to be done, but, for the most part, you should not be spending the majority of your days playing catchup and feeling like a slave to your business.  How do you avoid this?  By planning ahead and taking potential obstacles in stride as they arise. 

Let’s paint a scenario.  You have your day perfectly planned out right down to the minute and boom, something unexpected pops up.  You immediately go into scramble mode and all of a sudden, the wheels come off of the bus and your whole schedule is up in the air.  What if it could be different?  Instead of flying into reactionary mode, try taking a little pause and asking yourself a few key questions.

  • Does this have to be done by me? If your answer is yes, then you will move straight on to question two, but if not, that means you can probably find a way to delegate it to somebody else and remove a little stress from your day.  Can you delegate to a friend or family member who might help you out for free?  If not, how much would it cost you to hire somebody else to do the job?  You may not want to spend the money, but try to step out of the micro and look at the macro.  How much is your time worth and do you really want to spend it doing something that you could pay somebody else $10 or $20 an hour to do when you could be making much more than that?  Will you generate a lot of extra revenue by doing it yourself?  If not, it’s probably worth delegating. 
  • Does it have to be done right now? If you determine that you do have to do it yourself, then it’s time to assess whether or not it truly needs to be done right now.  In most cases, unless there is broken bones, blood or natural disasters, there’s probably a good chance that you can hold off a bit and find a way to fit the unexpected task into your schedule in a way that won’t create a whole bunch of extra friction and derail the entire plan you had for yourself.       

I hope that you’ve found this tip helpful and that it lends to you feeling a bit less stressed in your day-to-day business operations.  Don’t forget to check out my website at and join my new Facebook group, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income”. 

Check out the Referral Machine and learn free and low-cost ways to gain new clients with ease.


Video Transcript

There we go. Happy Friday Eve Day everybody. I hope you've had a great week so far. This is my first time to use stream yard so I was going to make sure that I was even showing up live on Facebook. So hope you had a great week so far.

Listen as a business owner. How's your schedule? Are you in reaction mode more days than you want to be? Let me give you a business tip on how to stop that.

But first I'm Tracy Beavers. I'm the founder of Tracy Beavers Coaching. I help overwhelmed business owners, solopreneurs and people in sales get out of feeling overwhelmed and stuck and frustrated with no energy and getting back into being passionate about their businesses. Having fun, having energy and moving the needle forward on their goals and on their revenue.

So back to your schedule. Let's talk about it for a second. One thing that will absolutely exhaust you is being in reaction mode more days than not. It zaps your energy, it's zaps your creativity. It just takes all the fun out of your business. We have to have a schedule that serves us most days. Now some days that's not going to happen, but most days it needs to serve you. And the only way to do that is to plan on it, playing it out and have as much control over it as possible.

I help my clients plan their time and one of the things thats really helped me in my business and helps my clients control their time is this tip I'm going to give you. So, when something pops up you, lets say you got your day all planned out and something unexpected pops up. I want you to stop and ask yourself, does this have to be done by me? Does this have to be done right now? Or can I delegate it out.

So, first question, does this have to be done by me? If the answer is yes, then we go to does this have to be done right now? Because unless somebody is broken, bleeding or on fire, chances are good you can schedule that item for a time in your schedule that you've already planned. Without disrupting everything you've already set in motion and plan for the week, just put it in at a time that serves you.

Now, if it does have to be done by you, right now, then you know, go ahead and do it and figure out you know how to get back into your schedule as soon as you can. So does it have to be done by you? Does it have to be done right now? If that answer is no, then the next thing I want you to ask yourself is, could I delegate this item out to someone else for free. If you have employees, you're already paying them an hourly wage or a salary. So find somebody on your team that can take that task for you and do a great job at it. They probably be very excited to do it.

As a solopreneur, if that question comes up and I'm thinking, can I delegate this out for free? I'm looking to my kids, they both drive. They're old enough to be very responsible. They're great people and so I can delegate that item to them. I'm gonna do it. And sometimes it's my husband because we're a team. We're all in this together. So can you delegate it for free? OK, if the answer to that is no. Then I want you to ask yourself, how much would it cost for me to hire this out to someone else? Because as business owners.

We have to really look at how much our time is worth and why would you want to spend your time doing a job, that's a $10 an hour job, when you could be making way more than that. Taking that hour or two and moving the needle forward in your business, doing that, stopping everything that you planned on doing. Is it's going to generate you a lot of revenue to do something that is going to cost you to save some money, but not saving that much money and cost you time on getting to your revenue goals. That doesn't make any sense.

So let's go over that again. Something pops up that's unexpected. Does it have to be done by you? Yes or no? Does it have to be done right now? Yes or no? And if the answer is no, and you can delegate it for free, do that. If the answer is, I can't delegate it for free, see how much you would actually cost to hire it out and then fit that into your budget.

So, I'm Tracy Beavers. I hope this has been helpful for you. I hope you have an amazing Friday Eve Day. The weekend is coming, and can you believe it's almost May? Oh my gosh. So, if there's anything I can do to help you with your business, give me a shout out and let me know I can be reached on my website and also, I have a new Facebook group that I'm super excited about. I'd love to have you join us. It's called, Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income. So, hop on into the community and I'll see you there.



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