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LOVING SALES!! Yes you can.....tune in to hear I haven't lost my mind :)

Jul 15, 2021

“Love” and “sales” probably aren’t two words that you would typically associate with one another, right?  Well, that doesn’t have to remain the case.  I know, that sounds crazy, but it’s true.  Even though selling may seem to be one of the most uncomfortable topics when it comes to business, you actually have a choice when it comes to how you view the idea of selling.  After all, you need to be able to sell your product or service if you want your business to thrive, right?  This is going to require a strategy that confidently and authentically takes your prospects all the way through the process of becoming aware of your business through to the decision to purchase (and it doesn’t have to be as hard as it may sound). 


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Selling Strategy

The first part of selling is authenticity.  Don’t regurgitate somebody else’s sales pitch.  Describe your company and product(s)/service(s) in terms and language that makes sense to you.  You are a human talking to another human and they will see right through a calculated and phony delivery.  Ensure that you are warm, caring and open and that will be felt, too. 

Next, help your audience to solve their problems.  How does your product or service add value to the person or people that you are speaking to?  Speak directly to your client’s pain points in a fully authentic and transparent manner.  If you’re being fully honest, you won’t ever have to enter into that uncomfortable, spammy territory.  You are simply speaking in an affirmative manner about what you know to be true about your business.  Take a moment to consider, now, what problem or pain point you solve for your clients and potential clients.

Don’t forget to listen!  This cannot be stressed enough!  Your client is going to tell you exactly what it is that they want and need and that is going to give you valuable insights that will help you to constantly improve your product and/or service.  Listening will also help to inform the rest of the sales process because you will learn how to speak their language from a space of your own authenticity. 

Also, be confident.  How do you expect your audience to believe in what you’re selling if you don’t?  Confidence increases sales, no bones about it.  Stand tall, look your client in the eyes and tell them what you know about your product.  Don’t be afraid to make claims, as long as you truly believe in them.  Without confidence in what you are selling, you have no sales and if you have no sales, you have no business. 

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Lastly, don’t go it alone!  I keep saying this week after week because it’s true.  Being an entrepreneur is hard, but it becomes a lot easier when you’re surrounded by others who are going through the same thing.  I’m here for you and would love to set up a one-on-one coaching call to see how I could best support you.  If you learn better studying solo, that’s okay, too!  Check out my 6-week course, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur”.  You’ll gain a ton of insight and knowledge for only about $65 per week.  You can also join our Facebook group, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income” to meet a whole plethora of like-minded individuals who are there to show and receive support on their entrepreneurial journeys. 

Check out the Referral Machine and learn free and low-cost ways to gain new clients with ease.


Video Transcript

Hey there everybody. Hope you are doing amazing today. Happy Friday Eve Day to everybody. And if you're on Instagram right up here on my cat on my phone, I have no idea why the lighting is so weird. I've tried every angle, I can't figure it out so I look a little washed out a little ghost. Promise I actually have a tan. Can you believe it? Anyway, I'll fix that lighting for the next week, so we've got Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube all in the house right now. And if you're on Facebook, please be sure to give stream yard permission to have your name so it says your name instead of Facebook user or Instagram user or what have you. Alright, one second I'm going to check our tech. I think we're all good.

Alright, so today we are going to discuss loving sales. Yes we are. No, I haven't completely lost my mind. I'm going to explain that here in just a second. But first, if you're new to me and I'm new to you, I am Tracy Beavers. I am your business and sales coach. My passion is helping you. The small business owner, solopreneur salesperson untangle the parts of your business that are no longer working and through my six week online course that dives into all aspects of business and live videos just like this one. You can gain knowledge and confidence knowing that everything you are doing every day is going to grow your income.

If you're here live, I want you to type live in the chat. I love that. Thank you so much for joining me live. If you're catching the replay. Not to just type replay in the chat. I love my replay people.

So last week we had a little fun and I've decided because of the feedback I got from you guys, I've decided to make it part of the weekly life. So just be prepared. But last week I threw out a little fun fact about me. What my first job was in sales and it was selling my sibling, my brother and sisters band candy. Remember the band candy fundraisers. OK, that was super fun cause you also talked about the things that you had done for fundraising when you were kids.

So this weeks tidbit about Tracy. Yes, that's what I'm going to call it. No don’t fire me cause I think it's fun anyway. Do you know what my first real big adult W2 job was? Well, not big adult cause that means that that sounds like I graduated from college. My first real W2 job when I was 16 years old. Anybody have a guess and while I'm talking about mine, I would love for you to share yours, type it in the chat so we can all share that together. So I sold jewelry at Service Merchandise. Anybody remember that store? I probably just told you how old I am. Yes, I worked at Service Merchandise. It was the coolest store you guys. They had everything. They had everything from toys to tents, to stereo equipment, kitchen stuff, jewelry. It was amazing and he walked around with this clipboard and you got to pick out all the stuff you wanted and then you took it up to the cash register and then down the conveyor belt came. All your stuff really really cool so. I learned a ton about jewelry, and I learned even more about people. That was a really great job and a lot of fun. What was your first job as, as a W2 probably 16 years old? I'm guessing. Spill the tea, did you love it? Did you hate it? We want to know all about it. Put it in the chat, so let's talk about sales.

That's what we're here to do today now. I want you to admit that when I said the word sales and I said I loved it. You probably thought this gal is crazy. That's ok, I get that a lot. You probably made a face when I said sales. Most people do, or you might have just groaned or rolled your eyes or bed like Oh my gosh, I don't wanna talk about this. I totally get it. But yes, I am one of those weird people. I love sales and I want you to love it too and you can. We're going to talk about that.

It is one of the most uncomfortable topics in business. It's one of the biggest roadblocks that my coaching clients have. They tell me. Being an entrepreneur is hard enough. Tracy and now I have to go. Think about selling something. Yes, it's true, but I totally get it. cause I used to feel that way too. I wasn't always comfortable in sales and I didn't always love it. Does this resonate with you guys where you're kind of feeling like being an entrepreneur is hard enough. I've gotta do the bookkeeping and the front end work in the office management. I'm answering the phones. I'm setting the appointment so I'm seeing the patient with the clients or I'm selling the product. And now you know. Now I gotta think more about sales. Yeah, I know. But if we avoid thinking about it and we don't have a sales plan or a nurture sequence and we don't have a good mindset about sales. Then that is going to stifle our business growth because sales brings us income which grows our business right. But again, you're not alone.

We would sooner let our clients figure it out for themselves, then pitched them, our product, or our service. Sales and clients grow your business. So like I just mentioned, if we ignore the topic hoping it's gonna go away. Kinda like a bumble bee flying around your like if I'm really super still and I don't move it'll fly away, not gonna work or you think I'll work on my sales approach later. I'll figure out my sales and nurture sequence later and kind of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. That's not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy you've heard me say that before. That is costing you money.

You got to be able to confidently take your prospects from awareness to decision and doing it in a way that's authentic to you. You heard me say that before to we've talked about bad last few weeks when it comes to your goal setting. When it comes to your business vision. Those things have to be authentic to you. This the same thing for your sales approach.

You are the CEO of your own business. You get to decide what's best for you. So people make sales way more difficult than it has to be. It's not about using tactics or strategies or scripts, and anybody that tells you that you have to study sales tactics or scripts or special words or psychological. You know, mind tricks, they're wrong, and they're not going to be successful in sales. Could we just agree on that? Please? Can we just stop the madness? Don't follow somebody elses verbage. Their words don't copy and paste from other people.

Use your words because you're using stuff that doesn't sound like you, and that's just weird. That's what makes it weird right there? That's one of the things that makes it weird. Sales is simple. I want you to remember this. Sales is simple because it is based on emotion. It is based on being a human being is coming from a place of service to the customer asking there. Then there needs and showing how you are their solution. That's it. Sales people are problem solvers and this is one of the reasons why I love it so much. I love to solve problems. I love to help people. I love to help them feel better and I like to bring a solution to that. Your client has a pain point and you have the perfect solution to take their pain away. What do they need? What can you give them come from an authentic place of providing education and value to your clients? Being a problem solver and helper, you're never going to feel spammy or annoying or salesy. That's a bad word salesy. Nobody likes that word you would like to feel that way, but knowing that in sales you are a helper, a problem solver. Doesn't that make you feel more confident knowing that you have a valuable product or service? What you offer is the key to solving their pain. Doesn't that make you feel less worried about being salesy or annoying or spammy or weird? I would love to know if this is making sense to you guys and if an if thinking about it this way makes you more comfortable being in sales.

I would love to know that put that in the chat so ask yourself. What problem do I solve for my client? Here are some examples. I want you to think through these and take some notes as you consider your specific product, program, or service. I want you to know which ones relate to you.

Do you help people save time or money? I do as a coach. That's what I do with my clients. I help them save time with time management. I help him save money and their business, showing him where maybe they could trim some expenses. Do you bring somebody less stress? So maybe your insurance agent and the person is really stressed out about buying a new home and you can totally help them get into that home with the right insurance policy. Do you help people make money or build wealth? I do, I help people make money through their businesses and build wealth for their families. If you're a financial advisor, you probably help people build wealth. Am I right? Do you help people feel better or look better? Are you a chiropractor? Are you a doctor? Or a nutrition coach? Do you help people feel and look their best so they can? Be a high performer. Do you bring people's safety and security? Maybe you have a security alarm system that brings people safety and security insurance agents back to that one. That's a massive amount of safety and security, so knowing which problems on this list you solve will keep you focused on helping your client. And less focused on the sale. The sale will come if you approach it with heart with warmth, with care for the other person, and you're not going to be afraid to move forward with your sales approach. If you rethink about it that way.

So here's a few more keys to building your confidence when it comes to sales. I want you to be yourself. Talk about this a lot be you. Use your words authentic to you. Lead with your heart. Listen to the client. They're going to tell you exactly what they're looking for, and then you're gonna know how to proceed through the sales process. Remember that human beings want to know what's in it for me. Everybody wants to know that. In sales, outside of sales, in every situation in life, human beings wanna know what's in it. For me, this is what your client wants to know. They wanna know how you are going to help them. How are you their best solution. So keep that in mind when you're thinking through. What do I need to tell them while they're thinking what's in it for me? So how do you answer that question in your sales approach. you can completely change the way you feel about selling, so you actually get joy out of making the sale. Being confident in your unique sales approach that's authentic to you and your unique nurture sequence for your clients is critical to the growth of your business. Because we talk about this without sales. You have no business, right? The whole thing comes to screeching halt. Remember to put the client first. Ask them what they need, be their solution. That will bring you confidence in sales that will grow your income.

If you're ready to grow your income, I want you to type income in the chat. I know you are cause I am. As you sales coach. I can help you figure out the exact ways you can talk to your clients. Without feeling weird, knowing when to follow up with him, what to say? You know when to follow up with him. See you like a stalker? Let's take the fear out of it and put the fun back into the sales and nurture sequence of our clients.

And remember I say this every week. Don't go it alone. Being an entrepreneur is hard. Some days everybody wants to buy what you're selling. Other days nobody wants to know your name. It's crickets, and if you think you're alone you are not. I'm here for you. I offer a private one to one coaching. You guys know that in private coaching you have my undivided attention in every session where we talk about the parts of your business that are no longer working. The ideas you have. Creative Solutions I can come up with and we craft a plan.

If you're interested in hearing more about coaching, type coach in the chat. And if you prefer a self-paced coaching option that you can do on your own time in your jammies from your couch, my online course, Be a confident Entrepreneur is available. Six weeks of sales confidence. Knowing how to network the right way. Effectively getting referrals from your existing clients. Having a schedule that serves you. It's all there for around $65 a week. I'll post links in the comments to the course and to the private coaching so you guys can check it out, but if you're interested in the course, type course in the chat and then I'll know we can DM each other and talk about it a little bit more. And if you’ve never thought about coaching before and your brand new to the whole idea of it, schedule a 25 minute call with me, it’s super fun. We can chat about what you've got going on and decide if coaching is the right solution for you.

If you're catching this on my Facebook business page on LinkedIn, on YouTube, or on Instagram, appear where the lighting is really weird. Instagram, I've no idea what's going on with that. I'm going to try to fix that for next week. Come into Facebook, join our group, Be a Confident Entrepreneur group. It's a Facebook group that has about 500 people in it. Supportive, collaborative business owners and entrepreneurs, and people in sales just like you. And we collaborate to have best practices. We give tips. And advice, and if you have a problem, I guarantee there's somebody in our membership that can help you solve it. So I want you to have a great balance of the week and a weekend. And remember that when one of us rises all of us rise. So let's keep cheering each other on.

Alright guys, I'm gonna check the chat. Oh my gosh. OK, so everybody is talking about somebody at 16 worked at the Remington Gun Club. I can't see who that is cause it says Facebook user, but that's kind of fun. A cook at Sonic. Oh my gosh, Sonic burgers are the best. Kiana, hey she says most definitely income. Yes, everybody wants to grow their income. Thank you Jill, Jill's enjoying the course. I love it. Alright guys, have a great rest of your Friday Eve Day and a great weekend. I'll see you next week.


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