Imagine losing you biggest client
Jun 10, 2021How do you prevent losing your best clients and referral sources? The answer is actually much simpler than you might believe. All you have to do is implement the right CRM (customer retention management) system so that you have all of the contact information from everybody you meet in one place. After all, you never know who might end up being the most influential players in the expansion of your business. The person you met at that last networking event could become your next best buyer and talk about how great your business is to everybody else that they know or maybe they will become your newest collaboration partner somewhere down the line. Since we don’t have any way to tell for certain, it’s imperative not to discount anybody and to free up headspace by documenting all of our contacts information and notes on our interactions somewhere accessible for safekeeping.
You CAN Gain New Clients Every Day With Ease...Check Out Our FREE Guide Called
"The Referral Machine"
Why Notes?
Remembering the key points of the conversations you have with your contacts can do wonders in the longer term for the strength of that relationship. Humans want to feel connected and, in fact, that is the root of every sales transaction. Referring back to previous interactions allows you to personalize your communications in an authentic way and helps you to steer the conversation in a way that highlights why your product or service is a great fit for that particular person. It also shows potential clients that you care.
Not only does documentation help to free up mental clutter and keep you energetic and motivated, it also helps to ensure that we won’t become a victim of technology. We live in a day and age where social media is crucial to building business relationships, but what happens if technology fails and you lose all of that valuable information: conversations, contacts, phone numbers? This could be devastating to your business! Creating an offline database adds an extra layer of protection. How you choose to store that information is up to you. From handwritten notebooks or index cards to spreadsheets or downloadable software programs, the options are endless.
The most important part of a CRM system, however, is consistency! If you’re not keeping your CRM system updated and regularly adding to it, it is essentially rendered useless. That can feel a little intimidating to some people, particularly if they aren’t exactly certain where to start, but that’s where I can help. As a fellow entrepreneur and small business coach, I am committed to helping you create a clear vision for your business, build confidence and flourish in your industry. Don’t forget to join our Facebook community, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income” to gain access to new tips and tricks every week.
Check out the Referral Machine and learn free and low-cost ways to gain new clients with ease.
Video Transcript
Hey there everybody. Happy Friday day. I am so excited about the weekend. You guys and we don't even have any plans. That's how thrilling our life is. But every now and then you need a break, right?
So I just wanted to pop in live here today to share some goodness with you that I shared with my networking group this morning. We were talking about what happens when you lose your biggest client? What happens when you forget to follow up with somebody that could be your best referral source and how devastating that can be to you as a business owner? So I’ve got a foolproof way for you to keep this from happening, 100%.
But first, I wanna tell you who I am. I'm Tracy Beavers I’m the founder and Tracy Beavers Coaching. I help small business owners, ditch the overwhelm and frustration. Get a clear vision on their business, their goals, where they're going and where they wanna go. Where they‘ve been and where they want to go, all that stuff and help him move the needle forward on revenue. And just gaining and clients and feeling really really good and about in confident about everything they do for their business everyday.
So what is my foolproof system. It is a CRM System and I'm realizing different people call that different things, but I call it is a customer retention management system. It is basically a repository for all the people you meet throughout the course of your networking, your business building all of your clients going there. All the people you meet networking go in there because the truth of the matter is we never know how somebody's gonna fit into our life or our business.
They could be a really great client of ours and buy all of stuff and send all their clients to buy all our stuff. Or they could be a great collaboration partner, our next great investor if we're you know, needing capital and needing a capital infusion. So, it's so important to capture all of that contact information in one place. Where you know it’s safe because that frees up your brain space. That gives you more energy and more time because you're not digging around trying to find everybody's names, and when you need to follow up with him and trying to remember when was the last time you talk to them and what did you say? You got your name, their contact information, the notes about your conversation.
I’ll tell you, when I meet somebody and I talk about my family or especially my, our favorite child our Labrador. If talk about my dog the next time we meet. I'm probably gonna buy everything that you're selling. I'm just saying. We have to make that human connection build those relationships. That is what sales is all about. That is when building a business is all about. We can't just be transactional. We have to be relational and having a CRM system where you got everybody in there for safety all in there you can access it everyday. See what you need to talk to and what you talked about last time. What did they share with you, that they're looking for their business that you might be able to help them with and build that relationship. What did they share with you about what they're looking for and is your product or service now the perfect right thing for them at the right time?
So it is a set it and forget it fool proof system frees up that memory. Gives you more energy 'cause you freed up that brain space gives you more time 'cause you don't want to dig around looking for all their names. And the other thing it does and this the crucial. I coach my clients on this, we cannot rely on social media to house our contact information and our conversations with people. We have lots of conversations, some of us using things like Facebook Messenger, DMs in Instagram, Snapchat. All those things are great. If those disappear tomorrow, would she be able to contact all your people? And if the answer is no, that's pretty scary. You would lose all of that gold, you need to build your business, so get it offline. Off social media is what I mean into a system that works for you and this could be as simple as a shoebox with index cards in it, to an Exel spreadsheet that you create. Or one of the software programs that you can download for free or some of them are very low cost monthly, 17 hats I've heard is a good one. Doe is a good one for network marketers. Salesforce is one that alot of business owners use, especially if you are a franchise owner in your franchise, gives you that.
The important thing is. People ask me this, well what CRM system should I use? The answer is always, the one you're actually gonna use with consistency because if you have a CRM system and you're not using it. That's not doing you any good. We've gotta find the one that you're actually going to use and use with proficiency an use a consistent basis. So this is what I do with my clients. I help them gain confidence knowing that the things they are doing are gonna move the needle on building their business, and if you're interested in diving deeper into that with me, in one or two coaching sessions together, I can get you lined up with a CRN system that works for you. Teach you how to use it. Give you some tips and tricks and really get you going with confidence.
I would love for you to join my new Facebook group community and it is a community of small business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, people in sales. It is Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income. Join us there. Go ahead and ask to join. Answer the few questions that got there for you. I do wanna get your email address so I can stay in contact with you and I do wanna know what business your in and what you need to learn 'cause that helps me have great content to bring to you every week. So, also on my website
There's a great freebie you can grab. It's called the Referral Machine. It teaches you how to in a very few steps and some great ideas, if I do say so myself. You can turn your existing clients into your best referral source and basically a referral machine for your business. I hope these tips and tricks help you. Join us in the Facebook community an if you need help with your business, reach out to me. Let's hop on the phone and do it free 20 minutes chat and talk about what you need and see if I can help you move the needle on it. Talk to you soon. Have a great great weekend.
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