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How to Quote Your Price! Does the question "How much do you charge?" make your brain shut off?

Jul 22, 2021

Settling on a price point is one of the most challenging things to do when you’re creating your business.  You don’t want to box people out by creating a price point that’s too high, but you also don’t want to undervalue your services or not feel like you’re getting sufficiently reimbursed for your time and effort.  The ego can have a lot to say when it comes to this process, which can make it feel extremely personal. That being said, finding a price point and being able to confidently share it with your prospects is imperative to the health and success of your business, so now is the time to master this feat.  So, what steps do you need to take in order to quote with confidence and stop dreading the questions, “What do you charge”?


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Steps to Confidently Quote Your Price

Step One:  Consider the transformation that your client will receive through the use of your product or service.  What have previous clients told you that they have gained?  This will give you the confirmation that you are, indeed, doing what you set out to do.  Are they getting happier, healthier, or wealthier?  Are you improving their home or their body or their lifestyle?  Once you determine how you are helping them, think about how much that would be worth to you to remind yourself why you chose the price that you did. 

Step Two:  Practice quoting your price over and over and over again.  Do it by yourself in the mirror or with your spouse or family members.  Practice with your best friend or even your dog.  Yes, it might feel a little weird at first, but the more that you practice, the more confident you will feel when it actually comes time to offer a quote and the easier it will become. 

Step Three:  Listen to your clients.  Like, really listen.  Connect with what they are telling you that they need and want and consider how your product or service can offer this to them.  If you talk at your client, it’s going to feel pushy and salesy and nobody likes that feeling.  Listening will showcase your ability to connect on a more authentic level and, once your prospective client feels connected to you, they are far more likely to buy your product or service.  When it comes time to present your offer, restate some of what you heard and that will help you speak to their pain points and alleviate some of your own fear. 

Follow these three steps and you will be well on your way to setting a quoting your price with confidence and ease.  And remember, if you need a little extra help, you are not in this alone.  Being an entrepreneur is hard, but there’s a whole community out there going through the same things as you.  Join ours on Facebook at “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income” and feel free to contact me directly to set up a one-on-one 25-minute information call for only $17.  

Check out the Referral Machine and learn free and low-cost ways to gain new clients with ease.


Video Transcript

Alright got everybody in the house today. Happy Friday Eve Day to you guys. We have Facebook down here, Facebook group, Facebook personal page, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram up here at the top. On my cell phone. If you guys are joining us through stream yard online I want you to give access to your name because otherwise it just says. Stream yard user or something like that and I don't know who. Not any fun. Alright, today we're going to talk about. Infinitely quoting your pricing it is something a lot of people struggle with and it's something that I help my clients work through every week.

But first if you're new to me and I'm new to you, I'm Tracy Beavers. I am your business and sales coach and my passion is helping you. The small business owner, solopreneur and salesperson untangle the parts of your business that are not working and through my 6 online courses that dive into all aspects of business, sales, networking and through live trainings just like this one. I wanna help you gain knowledge and confidence knowing that everything you are doing every day is going to grow your income because. Otherwise, why are we doing this crazy entrepreneurial salesperson thing, right?

Alright, if you're here with me live, I want you to type alive in the chat. So thankful to have you here live with me and if you're gonna catch the replay totally ok type replay in this chat. And save that video and watch it on the go. So last week I started something kinda silly. I wanted to get to know you better an I want you to get to know me better.

So we're doing the Tracy’s tidbit for the week. Last week we talked about our very first real W2 jobs and what they were, and I sold jewelry at Service Merchandise. Yes, I am that hold. Today's tidbit also, when I was a younger person, when I was little. I would ask you what did you want to be when you grew up and when. I was little I wanted to be an attorney because my mom told me when I was about five years old, but I was so good at negotiating. I really needed to be an attorney. And og course in five years old. I didn't know what that meant. I just knew that attorneys wore suits and they did very important things and they argued alot and I was pretty good apparently at, we'll call it negotiated.

What did you want to be when you grew up? And if you're like me, there may be parts of you that are still not ready to grow up and you haven't figured it out yet, and that's absolutely fine. Type it in the chat though. Type it in the chat and let me know.

So let's talk about how to quote your pricing with ease and confidence. Here's the thing. My coaching clients tell me that this this question. How much do you charge or how much are your product? Makes their brain shut off and their mouths go dry. I mean, it's like they don't even want to answer their questions. Does that resonate with you? I want you to type yes in the chat if that resonates with you and it's something that you just don't even want to talk about or answer. And the reason why is because it's kind of a vulnerable moment.

I mean it's where the rubber meets the road in the sales process and your prospect could say no. And nobody likes to hear no. And as we've talked about so many times, our businesses in our egos are completely tangled up and intertwined together when it comes to being an entrepreneur. So that's why I can feel so personal. So here's the thing. I wanna give you some tips to help you get past this. So you can quote with confidence and stop dreading that question.

Number one. And we've talked about this before, so this may not be new to some of you and the first time we talked about it, if you made the list, I ask you to make. I hope you still have it, so grab that. I want you to think through the transformation your clients are gonna receive when they use your product or program or your service. My coaching clients tell me that they feel like they can conquer the business world when they complete my six week online course. So what this does for me is it confirms. What I felt when I created it and it was gonna be super helpful to people. So now when I put the price of it, I feel great about it because I know what the value is that that people are gonna get and I know the transformation and the revelations they're going. And the same is true for you. I want you to list the ways what you offer.

Your product, your program, your service. How does it change somebody's life? Does it bring him happiness? Does it help them eat healthier? Does it grow their income or build them wealth? Does it clean their home? Does it restore their home from damage? I mean these are all in very, very important solutions that you bring to your clients, and I want you to remind yourself. Could your journey by selling them your products or service and you can quote that with confidence because. You know how much is, how much benefit is going to give them, right?

OK number 2. And you've heard me say this before two. If you know me for any length of time. Practice. I know it sounds ridiculous. But practicing quoting your pricing is really, really going to help you gain confidence and stop feeling weird when somebody asks you the question. I am a huge fan of practicing. It helps me feel super secure and confident practice in the car. You're alone in the car anyway, right? Turn down the music and do something that will actually grow your business. That was a little truth bomb for you. Sorry, right between the eyes. Anyway, practice on your colleagues. Practice on your best friend. Practice with your dog. I mean it doesn't matter to me and I know it's gonna feel weird that I promise you trust me. The more you practice this anymore that you say it out loud, the easier it's gonna be. To answer that question every single time.

Third tip. I want you to listen to your clients and restate their means back to them. Selling is all about listening. It's all about connecting, that's it. That's all it is. We don't need to make this any harder than it has to be. We are listening to our clients because. They're going to tell us exactly what they want and exactly what they need. And if we do all the talking or the pitching, they're gonna feel like we are pushing our message on them. And nobody likes anything to be pushed on them. That's not gonna win you the sale. We have to listen. We have to pull the client into us and to our offer by taking the time to build that relationship with that connection. We have to ask the questions, to find out what they need. Once we know what they need and it's time to present our offer, we can restate some of what they said. When they mentioned what they were looking for and I can restate that when I'm quoting my price. And that's gonna help them see how my product or service is the best choice and how it can solve their pain points. And take away some of your fear at the same time.

So here's an example. My chiropractor does a great job of this, so let's say you're a chiropractor, physician, massage therapist or something like that and you're going. You're visiting with a potential client. Potential new patient you're listening and going over everything. They're telling you that they are experiencing their pain, their lack of sleep, their stress. When they ask you how much your treatment plan will cost. You restate what they told you. You give them the details on how the treatment plan is gonna ease their pain. Help him sleep, assist them with reducing stress. This is gonna demonstrate the client, the value of your plan. And shows them that that your plan is the right solution for them and that makes the quoting of it so much easier. I hope these tips were helping you guys. I really wanna know, throw it in the chat and give me a yes. If this resonates with unit sounds like something that would make your job easier.

I wanna know what you think. And I'd love to know. What you more of what you want to learn in this Facebook group? Every week I come to you on a Thursday and bring you great training. I got all my topics from all of you who have told me, All along the way what it is you want to see what you want to learn. It's my goal to bring value to you and be of service to you, and so I need to know what you want to learn so I can bring you the best content. We've got almost 600 members in this group. Now it's so exciting. And if you want to collaborate with other people, maybe network a little bit, think through your best collaboration partner would be. And work through the membership and connect with some of the people in the group.

Remember, you hear me say this every week. Don't go it alone. Being an entrepreneur is hard. Some days everybody wants to buy what you're selling and other days nobody wants to know your name. And if you think you're alone, you're not. I'm here for you. This group is here for you and if you want me to help you gain confidence quoting your pricing and hear what we can accomplish together with coaching, send me a DM or an email. Contact me through my website and let's talk about it. You can set a 25 minute call with me and maybe we can make a plan for you. I'm gonna post a link in the comments so you can check that out. And the six week online course that I talked about being confident entrepreneur is available. Six weeks of sales networking, effectively getting referrals from your existing clients. Talking about a schedule that serves you instead of you serving your schedule. It's all there for around $65 a week, which is a bargain in the coaching space. And once you purchased it, you have access forever. It's not just a six week deadline, you have access to it for. Ever so often you can come back to it and review it. You can take it at your own pace. Watch it in your jammies if you want too, and I'll post a link to the course in the comments for that as well.

If you're catching this on my business page on LinkedIn, on Instagram or on YouTube, pop over into Facebook and join is in the group this in the Be a Confident Entrepreneur Facebook group. Make yourself at home. Like I say, we've got about 600 people in the group. And so we can all help each other building grow each others businesses. I want you to have a great balance of the week and weekend and remember when one of us rises we all rise. So let's keep cheering each other on.

Alright, I'm gonna go over and check the chat. Somebody said they wanted to be a Charlie's Angel, that’s hysterical. Me too. Which one? Alright. Wendy Gray, thank you so much for joining us. Hey Dee Dee. Hey Good to see you too. Thanks for joining us. Maria wanted to be a nurse. OK, who wanted to be a Charlies Angel? That's hysterical. Oh somebody said they said they're afraid they're charging too much. We need to have that conversation. Valerie's here all the way from the Philippines. Good to see you. Bring some customers and brings them wealth. Somebody said that's with their product or service does. It brings them customers and brings them wealth. Well I think that's amazing and the person who said they're afraid they're charging too much. Need to have a conversation about that because I bet you're not. You might just not be going through the exact value that you're giving to your clients, which is super important to remind yourself.

Don't ever sell yourself short. Alright, you guys have a great rest of your day. I don't know about you, but all day long I've been thinking it's Friday and every time I remember it's Thursday. I'm a little sad. Anyway, one more day in the weekend is here. Y'all have a great rest of the day. Talk to you soon.


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