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Feeling Invisible on Social Media? Here's the Solution

Aug 19, 2024

Ever feel like you're shouting into the void on social media?
You're posting, sharing, and showing up, but it feels like no one's noticing. What’s the secret to breaking through the noise and getting the visibility, engagement, and connections you crave?


It all comes down to one thing: your actions.


Today, let’s go over how actively engaging first with your audience is the key to more connections, engagement, email list growth, buyers, and more!


Are You Going First on Social Media?

In this crowded online space, waiting for people to come to you won’t cut it. Are you engaging first? Are you making the first move? If not, it’s time to change that. Being visible online isn’t just about posting; it’s about being proactive in engaging with others. When was the last time you DM’d a client just to check in? What about your email subscribers? Your group members? Building connections starts with you!


The Power of Connection

You never know where your next great connection might lead. It could be a new client, a collaboration, or even a referral. But these opportunities won’t come if you’re sitting back, waiting. Start liking, commenting, and engaging genuinely. Attend networking sessions and—here’s the key—follow up. Don’t leave the ball in their court; take control and set up that coffee chat.


Social Media Algorithms & Engagement

Social media algorithms reward interaction. The more you engage, the more you’ll see, and the more others will see you. It’s a cycle of visibility that only starts when you take the first step. Remember, people need to see and hear you before they can hire you, refer you, or collaborate with you. One important tip is to always end your DM with a question. It encourages engagement and keeps the conversation going.


Make It a Habit

Going first should be a daily practice. Consistency and patience are your best friends in this journey. Engage, connect, and watch your visibility—and business—grow.


Start Engaging Today!

Are you ready to stop feeling invisible and start taking control? I invite you to network with me and other entrepreneurs just like you in my free Facebook group "Be a Confident Entrepreneur: Get Visible + Grow Your Income." In my Facebook group, you can promote your business anytime to over 2500 other online entrepreneurs, make valuable business connections through networking, and learn from me how to grow your email list, gain visibility, & attract your ideal clients without paid ads!


Join below, answer the membership questions so we know you are a kind-hearted entrepreneur with a business, and start growing your business with confidence!

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