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Embrace Imperfection: Your Path to Overcoming Perfectionism

Jul 18, 2024
Embrace Imperfection: Your Path to Overcoming Perfectionism

Are you stuck in the endless loop of trying to make everything perfect? If this sounds all too familiar, you’re definitely not alone. In my recent conversations with students and clients, perfectionism has been a recurring topic. But here’s the good news: you can overcome it and reclaim your freedom.

Today, let’s go over how you can overcome perfectionism and start thriving in your business and personal life.




1. Do It Even If It Isn’t Perfect

As online business owners and entrepreneurs, you need to stop waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect product, or the perfect content. Create that course, release that video, write that blog post! Remember, done is better than perfect, and let’s be honest—perfect is boring. The world needs your unique voice and ideas, not a flawless replica of someone else's work. Let your creativity and confidence flourish.


2. Find Support

One important thing to remember as you are building your own business is that you don’t have to do it alone. Hiring a coach, finding an accountability buddy, or joining an online community of fellow entrepreneurs can provide you with the community and support you need to push beyond perfectionism. Coaches and other business owners can offer fresh perspectives, hold you accountable, and celebrate your progress. Sometimes, all it takes is an external push to realize that perfection isn’t necessary for success.


3. Change Your Mindset

Imperfection is human. Embrace it! Mistakes are not failures—they're learning opportunities. Laugh at your blunders, share your funny mishaps, and learn from them. Every successful person has a collection of stories about what went wrong before things went right, me included. Shifting your mindset to see imperfections as steps on your journey will help you move forward with confidence and grace.


4. Set Realistic Goals

Perfectionism often comes from setting unrealistic goals and putting immense pressure on ourselves. Start setting achievable goals and celebrate every win, big or small. Did you finally finish that draft? Celebrate! Did you launch your website, even though it’s not perfect? Celebrate! Every step forward is progress, and each victory deserves recognition.


5. Accept That It Won’t Be Perfect

Building an online business isn't easy, and it's never going to be fully built. And that’s okay! Businesses, like people, grow and change. Accepting that it won’t be perfect frees you from the shackles of perfectionism and opens you up to growth and innovation. Embrace the journey and the evolution that comes with it.


Take that first imperfect step today!

Perfectionism can be a major roadblock, but it doesn’t have to be. You also don’t have to face it alone. I invite you to network with me and other entrepreneurs just like you in my free Facebook group "Be a Confident Entrepreneur: Get Visible + Grow Your Income." In my Facebook group, you can promote your business anytime to over 2500 other online entrepreneurs, make valuable business connections through networking, and learn from me how to grow your email list, gain visibility, & attract your ideal clients without paid ads! 


Join below, answer the membership questions so we know you are a kind-hearted entrepreneur with a business, and start growing your business with confidence!


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